Surprised that a chiropractor in Waterloo IA can serve in many ways as your family doctor?
You are not alone, and not all chiropractors are fully trained for this. Dr. Kuhn has completed his Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice through National University of Health Sciences. During this postgraduate training, he was taught primary care diagnosis and treatment methods including advanced nutrition and the use of medications. The NUHS program requires a USMLE-style testing process, similar to that used by the medical profession.
How effective are chiropractors in primary care? Take a look at these articles:
- Chiropractors as family doctors: Once denounced by the mainstream, the profession gains ground
- Chiropractors as family doctors, part two: What does the research say?
But don't misunderstand us, our goal isn't to replace your family doctor. They will remain a valuable resource on your health team. And there are areas of your health care that the medical profession may still be needed. For example, we still refer to the medical profession for pharmacological and surgical services. Dr. Kuhn's advanced training provides a common language and core of understanding to better able to interface with your medical team.
Our purpose is to lower your need for medical interventions by catching things early when they can still be reversed by using diet, exercise, supplements, stress reduction and other lifestyle choices.
lowering inflammation and functional nutrition in Waterloo IA
To do this we focus on two areas of nutrition, lowering inflammation and functional nutrition. Find out why these areas of nutrition are so important to your health in the paragraphs below as well as on the pages they are linked.
Lowering Inflammation: One of the most common causes of pain is inflammation. And inflammation is also one of the most common precursors to the disease process. Additionally, inflammation delays later stages of healing.
Reducing inflammation therefore is key to recovery of health and freedom of pain. It is also the foundation for prevention. That's why we teach a low inflammation lifestyle. This lifestyle consists diet, supplements, sleeping habits, calorie restriction and icing.
Functional Nutrition: Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? We can help! Using functional methods with nutrition allows us to address many chronic concerns including fibromyalgia, thyroid concerns, high cholesterol, blood sugar/insulin troubles and hormone imbalances via lifestyle choices. Working with your prescribing doctors we can often reduce or eliminate your need for medications on the way to you feeling your best.
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Kuhn Chiropractic PC
3602 Kimball Ave
Waterloo, IA 50702