Concussions in Waterloo IA

Concussion in Waterloo IA? Think of your brain like Jell-O floating in a boney bucket and it will help you to understand how delicate your brain is and how easily it can be injured. Direct trauma as well as concussive pressure changes can cause the brain to rebound in the skull causing stretching and twisting of the delicate nerve cells and their connections thus causing damaging changes that can remain long after the injury itself.
Injuries can be complicated by our lifestyle. High carbohydrate and sugary foods cause the brain to rev up and further injure the delicate brain cells. So do caffeinated drinks like coffee, soda, and sports drinks. Stress and continuing activities, when the body needs to recover, can further aggravate a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury.
Symptoms of Concussion in Waterloo IA
Subtle symptoms of concussion can include changes in how you your brain functions including a loss of clear thinking and changes in how you remember. Examples of changes in this area include slowed thinking, difficulty concentrating, learning or remembering new things.
Less subtle symptoms include headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, blurry or fuzzy vision, fatigue, depression, lack of energy, easily angered, anxiety, sleep difficulties, vertigo, and balance troubles.
Children Can Have Concussions Too!
Children can be very vulnerable to head injury. What makes it worse is oftentimes children can't communicate fully what they are experiencing. Here are some signs that a child may have had a concussion: increased crying, sad mood, changes in eating, less interest in toys or play, headache, sleep changes, developmental back slide, or stalled development. If your child has any of these signs have them evaluated by an expert like Dr. Kuhn.
Functional Neurology & Electro-diagnostics to the Rescue!
Dr. Kuhn's advanced training and certifications in Functional Neurology and Electro-diagnostics procedures give him the expertise to localize where in the brain the injury is; and to determine which methods are best for treatment. Sometimes even when the trauma has destroyed parts of the brain, there may be other portions of the brain that can be trained to take over the lost function. Don't say you have tried everything until you have tried us!
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Kuhn Chiropractic PC
3602 Kimball Ave
Waterloo, IA 50702